Our joint statement in response to the Government’s announcement on children’s social care

The Children's Society
2 min readFeb 2, 2023


Joint statement in response to the Government’s announcement on children’s social care by NSPCC, Action for Children, Barnardos, National Children’s Bureau and The Children’s Society.

‘Too many children are being failed by the children’s social care system. Too often young people are not kept safe from harm and families are pushed to breaking point, after being left with no support. This can lead to stark, tragic and irreversible consequences.’

‘The plans announced by the government today must be a turning point. As set out in last year’s Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, we have a once in a generation opportunity to fix a system in crisis and change the way children and families are supported.’

‘In order to succeed, these plans must be backed by a commitment for ambitious, long-term investment. The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care warns that without investment and reform, the number of children in care in England will rise from 80,000 to 100,000 in 10 years’ time, and the annual costs from £10 billion to £15 billion. Failing to invest now will mean more children going into care and rising costs in the future.’

‘For that investment to be as effective as possible, the government must continue to recognise and respond to the pressure on children’s services and local authority budgets right now. Without immediate stabilisation, an already broken system will become even harder to fix, and more children’s lives will be harmed.’

‘We recognise that these reforms will take time and that the radical changes needed can’t be delivered overnight. Ahead of the next General Election, it’s crucial that all political parties commit to delivering the scale of reform required to prevent more children being harmed.’

‘As the reforms are delivered, it’s crucial that the voices and experiences of young people meaningfully guide the reforms.’

‘This is our chance to build a future where every child feels safe, supported, and able to thrive. Children’s social care must be top of the government’s priority list.’

